Friday, April 5, 2013

Second Grade Auction Is All About the Money!

The second grade students held their annual auction today, April 3rd. The auction is the culminating activity in the economics unit to teach students the units of money and how to spend money wisely.  The teachers held discussions about students' wants versus their needs.  Throughout the economics unit, students have been producers of items.  Today, it was the students' turn to be consumers.   As the auctioneer, I did my best to motivate the students to spend their hard-earned money, but the second grade students were well aware of how much money they earned and could spend and were not easily parted with their Blanchard dollars.  It was hilarious to see very confident boys and girls bidding intently on a pink soccer ball and friendship bracelet kit with equal enthusiasm as they bid on a basketball hoop and legos.  Thanks to all the parents who could be there to help.  All the teachers commented on how much they appreciated your work today. 



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

National Geographic Giant Map of North America

National Geographic's Giant Traveling Map of North America visited Blanchard Memorial School on March 28th and 29th.  Mrs. Eisenberg led students in all grade levels on an adventurous exploration of the basketball-court sized map, where they found themselves putting their hands and feet on every corner of the continent. The giant map is rented to schools by National Geographic to promote geography and map reading skills for students in an exciting, fun, and educational format.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome to Blanchard Buzz

Blanchard Buzz is a new way to connect the Blanchard community.  The format will be a mix of text, pictures, video, and slide shows showcasing the events happening at Blanchard Memorial School in a more timely manner, rather than waiting to write about the event or curriculum in the traditional monthly format of the Blanchard Bits.    In addition, there was some confusion about the Blanchard Bits published by the faculty rather than the PTF.  By creating a separate blog from the PTF, I hope to eliminate any confusion.  The intent of the blog is to help parents and children talk about the events happening around the school and see pictures of students learning (for those who have given permission).  Nothing would make me happier than to hear that the Blanchard Buzz is providing good conversations in the car or at the kitchen table. 

Please let me know if the Blanchard Buzz is useful to you.  I welcome your comments and feedback, so please feel free to tell me what is on your mind.  However, it is important to establish good digital citizenship and to provide a role model for our students in how to blog responsibly.  Since this is a blog for the school community, I will refrain from publishing any comment that seems inappropriate for the audience as well as any completely anonymous comments (first name and last initial will be fine). 

I am excited to join the Blanchard blogging community and hope you are too. 
--Karen Tower


Fourth Grade Star Party was a stunning success!
Phyllis Luck, Sheila Owen, and Erin Whyte

On the evening of Tuesday, March 5, under surprisingly clear conditions, Blanchard’s fourth graders were treated to the wonders of the night sky at the annual Acton Star Party, a very special event just for Fourth Graders in the Acton-Boxborough schools and their families. Thanks to the efforts of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston and their amazing equipment, students beheld Jupiter and its 4 Galilean moons, the Orion Nebula, the Pleiades, as well as other highlights of the winter sky. And this is only what went on outside. Inside, the Parker Damon School was a bee hive of activity. Visitors had the opportunity to hear Galileo tell his amazing life story, create star finders, and enjoy the night sky in the comfort of one of three Star Labs brought in for the event, to name just a few of the wondrous activities available to all. We were indeed fortunate to be able to participate in such a rich educational experience.