Thursday, June 13, 2013

Miss Massachusetts 2013, Sarah Kidd from Leominster, is Philip Kidd's cousin (Philip is in 5th grade in Ms. Sands’ class). Sarah’s mother, Sharon Kidd, was a graduate of Blanchard Memorial, RJ Grey Junior High and Acton Boxborough Regional High School. Sarah’s Dad, David Kidd, was a graduate of RJ Grey Junior High and Acton Boxborough Regional High School. Flerra Field is named after Sarah’s grandmother. Sarah has been in Las Vegas since May 31st and will be on NBC June 16th as a contestant for the Miss USA Pageant. Please wish her well. She has had a very exciting year so far!

Here is a link if you would like to read more about her.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sharing Published Books in the ECP

Today was an exciting day in the Early Childhood classroom!  The young authors and illustrators in Mrs. McLean's ECP class shared their published books with the staff members at Blanchard!                                          
                                   Mrs. Barnett - "I enjoyed the colorful illustrations.  Their creativity was impressive! The children were so excited about sharing their books."

Mr. Bates- "I was so impressed with the students' ability to read their Love Books.  I enjoyed learning all the special information about each of the authors.  It is always a joy to take time to visit in the ECP.  It makes me remember all the important aspects of student learning."

Mr. Ralls, our head custodian, stopped by to listen to our books and to enjoy a few snacks as well.  The children served fruit, homemade banana bread and lemonade.  Taking complete ownership of their special day, they planned the menu and designed the invitations on our laptop.


Mrs. Tremblay, "It was so exiting to see the children's eyes as they shared their personal publications. The pride that they took in themselves as authors and illustrators shined brightly in their smiles!"

Mrs. Mannherz- "Love is seeing the face of a child reading her first published book proud!"

Mrs. Kilcommins- "You're serving my favorite drink and lemon snacks!"  Sahithi, "Me too!"
                                The children did a fabulous job hosting their event.


"As the circle of a child's experience expands from family to school to community, so does awareness of self and others."

Activities outside the family, such as play dates and preschool, broaden children's horizons and widen their social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth.  "Excursions to the playground, library or fire station offer new and exciting opportunities as well as challenges.  Feelings of attachment to a neighborhood, community or local landscape develop.  Whether new or familiar, communities can be places that nurture cultural identity, diversity, responsibility, adventure, and a sense of belonging." (Eric Carle Museum staff)  When children create relationships with places and people in their community, this involvement begins to build the foundation for citizenship and social responsibility.  


Throughout this school year, the children in the Early Childhood Program were immersed in studies about friendships, maps, our community and the things we love.  In the beginning of our investigations, we worked hard at defining what it means to be a good friend.  Our am and pm classes created a "Friendship Tree" with Mrs. Kilcommins' Kindergarten class.  Our friends also became very interested in exploring our outdoor environment surrounding our school by going on several nature hikes and by researching important information on Google Earth using our new classroom Ipad (A special Thank you to PTF!).  We designed 3-dimensional maps to deepen our knowledge and understandings of our community. We also made predictions about what we might discover before venturing outdoors.  Some of our predictions included, "a beaver dam", "a library", "curvy trees" and "maybe a dump across the street!” As we explored the great outdoors with our "thinking pens" and sketchbooks in hand, we discovered that the fire station is across the street not the dump!  These are just a few of the investigations that inspired our thinking for these wonderful books.

Collectively, we also published a class book.  The children loved brainstorming ideas, listening to each other, presenting their work at "share chair" and creating their illustrations at our writing studio.  This documentation demonstrates, values, and celebrates a large range of developmental learning stages in a multi-age, Early Childhood classroom. This experience taught our children that they are valued thinkers, writers and illustrators.  The entire process also fostered a sense of belonging to our school family and the larger community. This book will soon be available for you to enjoy at our school library and at the Sargent Memorial Library.  

                              Wishing everyone a fun and safe summer vacation!  Happy reading!!
Mrs. McLean's Early Childhood Program 
June 2013