Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What’s New in the Library?
The PTF has funded a new display unit and shelving in our school library. Our younger students LOVE choosing books that are easy to find and at just the right height.  Older students find browsing the Young Adult section a snap at our new end cap.

Thank you PTF!!!
by Connie Long

Eshu Bumpus: Storyteller Extraordinaire

Exciting Week with Storyteller Residency!
During the first week of January, the PTF sponsored a week of storytelling workshops with Eshu Bumpus, master storyteller.  He captivated his audience by telling a variety of African, African-American and World folktales leavened with music, humor and mystery.  Students were treated to a storytelling performance and then Eshu conducted writing workshops in each classroom.  He used games and writing templates to walk students through the steps to create original, non-violent stories. 

Thank you to the PTF for this great experience!!!
by Connie Long

Eshu with entire fifth grade in the gym