Today, we honored the Veterans from our community, including parents, staff, and our principal, Mr. Labb. The program included the Boy Scouts leading us in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, Mrs. Callaghan and the Blanchard vocal ensemble singing our national anthem, and students in Mrs. Crockett's class discussing the history of Veteran's Day. Students from Ms. Stevens' class shared a short play, "What Is A Veteran?" Mrs. Hogan's class sang, 'You're a Grand Old Flag" with gusto. Third grade students shared a Veteran's Day poem. Mrs. Hulbert's class presented a thank you to all of our Veteran's. Mr. Labb and I presented certificates to staff and family members in the Blanchard Community who served in the military. Johnathan P. and Ian B. played taps to end our celebration of all those in the Armed Services. I hope the students found the presentation both informational and moving.
Mrs. Hulbert's Third Grade Thanks the Veterans |
Mrs. Hogan's class sings, "You're a Grand Old Flag." |
Veterans in Our Community |
Mrs. Crockett's class shares the history of Veteran's Day. |
Students in Mrs. Stevens' class in a short skit. |
Third Grade Students Recite a Veterans Day Poem. |
The Vocal Ensemble Sings Our National Anthem. |