Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Helping our children with math homework

While reading the Marshall Memo this morning, I came across this summary of an article about how parents can help their children with their math homework.  The summary is simple and just includes questions to ask your children about their homework.  I like the idea that parents can help by questioning students about what the students know instead of feeling as if they (the parents)  need to have all the answers to solve the problem themselves.  Let me know what you think and if the questions are helpful.

Helping Parents Help Their Children with Math Homework

            In this article in Teaching Children Mathematics, Regina Mistretta (St. John’s University/New York) shares strategies for getting parents involved in their children’s math learning. Here are questions that teachers could suggest parents ask their children if they are struggling with math homework:

-    What problem are you working on?

-    What do the directions say?

-    What words or directions don’t you understand?

-    Where do you think you should begin?

-    What do you already know that can help you work through the problem?

-    What have you done so far?

-    Do you have similar problems to look at?

-    Can you draw a picture or make a diagram?

-    Can you explain what the teacher asked you to do?

-    Can you tell me where you are stuck?

“‘We Do Care,’ Say Parents” by Regina Mistretta in Teaching Children Mathematics, May 2013 (Vo. 19, #9, p. 572-580), www.nctm.org; Mistretta is at mistretr@stjohns.edu

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